Taking into consideration the aspects of the antimicrobial spectrum and various other problems such as increasing drug resistance etc. associated with the antibiotics from the class of Fluoroquinolones and to search an answer to overcome these problems the concept of complexation is attempted in the present research work. Synthesis of various metal complexes was carried out via formation of Schiff base (ligand) of the Ciprofloxacin -i.e. the parent moiety was first converted in to its respective Schiff base by reacting them with p-Nitroaniline in equimolar ratio, which was then treated with various metal salts for the synthesis of its metal complexes. The formation of ligands and various metal complexes was confirmed by analyzing them for various physical, physico-chemical and analytical parameters. Finally the antibacterial spectrum of the metal complexes thus synthesized was studied against gram positive as well as gram negative bacterial strains using agar plate method and it was found that these metal complexes had shown significant antibacterial activity in the concentrations equal to and near by the minimum inhibitory concentration of the ciprofloxacin determined experimentally.